Ready to work

Robotics Academy is a new way of studying engineering. Instead of traditional studies, students learn by participating in a variety of robotics, automation and ITC projects in cooperation with regional businesses. The overall aim is to prepare students directly for the needs of working life.

About us

About us

Robotics Academy is comprised of a group students from diverse technical study areas. Each student was interviewed and hand picked to work with a core team of six teachers as well as other internal and external professionals. The criteria used in the selcetion process ensured that we could answer the demands of the current workforce. Students work with businesses as well as development projects to solve actual automation and robotics issues and deliver innovative solutions.


We will help your business meet the challenges of the future. We research and test. Please feel free to contact us, we will accept the challenge. How robotization affects your business. Do people need to change work tasks? A robot can actually be a solution to many problems.


People just like work with us

  • In a challenging environment, the Academy’s students did what they wanted. Collaboration with students was straightforward and fair. I think the attitude is good for the students.

    Jaakko Niemelä, MeWet
  • The operation was professional and smooth. Pros and cons of the interest in asking questions about the project. Collaboration in rolls and action was interactive and flexible. Communication was quick

    Visa Saari, Boliden Harjavalta
  • I can recommend the Robotics Academy as a partner, although in principle, combining robotics with one’s own business would seem special. There are many forms of cooperation and the pupils’ innovativeness surprised.

    Maria Nurmi, Kodin Terra

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